
Managing Change

This is a topic for many words but here are a few that that resonate well with me at this point in time. This article by Dave Cheong on embracing change is great advice, do check it out. I liked the Satir Change Model too, heres another article on it by Steven Smith, this one talks additionally about a 'Transforming Idea'.

The key takeaway is to be a conscious and willing part of the change.


Data Driven Decisions

I am currently learning about intuitive management vs professional management driven by numbers obtained from measurement. I'm learning about it at work and it does come across as an effective methodology to manage projects and organizations to make unbiased data driven decisions.

Its a challenge to come up with metrics that will help you achieve the same, but it is possible. Once you innovate and design appropriate metrics, and administer them across the organization, the data repository gets built over time and you can really achieve high productivity in managing the projects and the organization. Its an enabler for accurate decision making.